macOS CVP Configuration file location
/Library/Application Support/Celiveo/Settings/settings.plist
settings.plist Description
Settings | Value | Description |
Comm_debugger | 1 | Communication Debug Enabled |
Comm_debugger | 0 | Communication Debug Disabled |
Service_Level | 1 | Error logs |
Service_Level | 2 | Warning Logs |
Service_Level | 4 | Information logs |
Service_Level | 16 | Debug logs |
Service_Level | 127 | Verbose logging with all log types enabled |
JobsQuota | 50 | Maximum number of jobs stored in User folder |
DiskQuota | 4000 | Maximum allowed used space by all users stored in User folder |
ADuser | sAMAccountName | Use Active Directory sAMAccountName instead of the macOS logged in user |
DelegateTo | sAMAccountName | Use Active Directory sAMAccountName to delegate a print job to a different user |
TcpPort | 22000 | Port used to communicate with celiveo Printer Agent |
DbHostAddr | SQL Server IP | SQL Server IP Address |
DbInst | SQL Instance | SQL Database Instance |
ConnectionRetries | 1 | Number of retries sennding job to printer |
Service_FileName | path | Service logs location |
ProcessDLL_FileName | path | Job Process logs location |
JobProcessSO_FileName | path | Job Process logs location |
TempSpoolerFolder | path | Temporary file processing folder |
SpoolerFolder | path | Print Job storage location |
NASLocation | path | NAS path location |
How to Stop and Start macOS Celiveo Virtual Printer Services
- Using Launchpad icon in the Dock.
- Type *Terminal *in the search field.
- then click Terminal.
- Once inside *Terminal *execute the commands described below to stop or start macOS Celiveo Virtual Printer Services.
Command Description sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.celiveo.CVOService.plist
Stops macOS Celiveo Virtual Printer sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.celiveo.CVOService.plist
Starts macOS Celiveo Virtual Printer
Last modified:
14 June 2024
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