macOS CVP Configuration file location

/Library/Application Support/Celiveo/Settings/settings.plist

settings.plist Description

Settings Value Description
Comm_debugger 1 Communication Debug Enabled
Comm_debugger 0 Communication Debug Disabled
Service_Level  1 Error logs
Service_Level  2 Warning Logs
Service_Level  4 Information logs
Service_Level  16 Debug logs
Service_Level  127 Verbose logging with all log types enabled
JobsQuota 50 Maximum number of jobs stored in User folder
DiskQuota 4000 Maximum allowed used space by all users stored in User folder
ADuser sAMAccountName Use Active Directory sAMAccountName instead of the macOS logged in user
DelegateTo sAMAccountName Use Active Directory sAMAccountName to delegate a print job to a different user
TcpPort 22000 Port used to communicate with celiveo Printer Agent
DbHostAddr SQL Server IP SQL Server IP Address
DbInst SQL Instance SQL Database Instance
ConnectionRetries 1 Number of retries sennding job to printer
Service_FileName path Service logs location
ProcessDLL_FileName path Job Process logs location
JobProcessSO_FileName path Job Process logs location
TempSpoolerFolder path Temporary file processing folder
SpoolerFolder path Print Job storage location
NASLocation path NAS path location

How to Stop and Start macOS Celiveo Virtual Printer Services

  1. Using Launchpad icon in the Dock.
  2. Type *Terminal *in the search field.
  3. then click Terminal.
  4. Once inside *Terminal *execute the commands described below to stop or start macOS Celiveo Virtual Printer Services.
    Command Description
    sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.celiveo.CVOService.plist Stops macOS Celiveo Virtual Printer
    sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.celiveo.CVOService.plist Starts macOS Celiveo Virtual Printer

Last modified: 14 June 2024


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