What is Custom Access Control?

Celiveo administrators are able to force a customized OXPd Authorization Agent Configuration – also called Authorization Proxy – on HP FutureSmart printers.

This allows to define which Printer functions are controlled by Celiveo.

How to apply Custom Access Control?

Celiveo has a default Authorization proxy configured on the printer by the solution. The Web Admin allows the download of the default XML configuration file for an admin to customize it and upload it back to the Celiveo Web Admin in order to be deployed on printers.

To do so:

  1. In the Web Admin, select your HP FutureSmart printer and click the Printer Settings icon.
  2. The Printer Settings window displays.
  3. To enable Custom Access Control, click the icon.
  4. The options display:

Download icon – This allows the download of the current Celiveo OXPd Authorization Agent configuration. If the Celiveo OXPd Authorization Agent is disabled, a sample file will be downloaded as a reference. This file can be edited with custom configuration and then uploaded to the Web Admin.

Note: The sample file will not reflect any setting applied on the Printer EWS or via any third party software such as HP WebJetAdmin.

Upload icon – This allows to upload the modified Access Control file. This requires the printer to be synchronized again for the new settings to be applied.

Reset icon – This will remove the Celiveo OXPd Authorization Agent. This also requires a new printer synchronization.

Note: If the Reset option is used, the Celiveo Access Rules will not be applied on this printer. The user can then configure Access Control on the Printer EWS or using any third-party software such as WebJetAdmin.

How to customize the configuration file?

Understanding the Configuration file

The XML file begins with a section which gives you an identifying code (GUID) for each Printer function, called “Permission” and each Sign-in Method available on the printer.

The section starts with the < OxpdConfigurationReferenceObjects > element and contains 2 sub-elements:

- < PermissionList > which provides the GUID for each permission.

- < SignInMethodList > which provides the GUID for each Sign-in method.

You will need the GUIDs to customize the configuration file.

As an example, this is the GUID for the “Print from USB Drive” permission:

Customizing the Configuration file

The actual rights given are in the section which begins with the < OxpdAuthzProxy > element and are divided into three sets:

  • < guestPermissionId > All printer functions (Copy, Fax, Scan, etc.) that you need to be accessible without authentication (Guest Access) need to be identified in this section.
    Put each Permission GUID under the guestPermissionSet element and inside the guestPermissionId tag.

In this case:

Users can Print from USB Drive without Authentication.

  • < PermissionToSignInMethod > In this section, you will define which specific Authentication Agent will be used for Authentication on each printer function.

Under the < PermissionToSignInMethod > section, put the Permission (function) GUID inside the permissionId tag and the corresponding sign-in method GUID inside the signInMethodId tag.

In this case:

The “Copy” function requires the user to be authentified by Celiveo.

  • < defaultSignInMethod > Put the desired sign-in method GUID inside the defaultSignInMethod tag.

Put the desired sign-in method GUID inside the defaultSignInMethod tag.

Here, the default sign-in method is the Celiveo Authentication Agent.

  • < allowAlternateSignInMethods > This element value should be set to “False” in order to restrict the access to the activities with another Authentication Agent. By default, it is set to “True”.
  • < addNewPermissionToGuest > This element , when set to “True” will grant the Guest Access to newly installed applications (when Celiveo is already installed). Otherwise, the New Applications (Permissions) will be locked by the Default Sign In Method. By default, it is et to “False”.

Methods GUIDs

Description GUID (Permission ID)
Celiveo Authentication for Celiveo Badge, PIN and Username and Password profiles 60c23e33-38f5-4584-884a-c7d4999e63c9
Celiveo Authentication for Celiveo Smart Card profiles and Celiveo Smart card profiles with Login and Password as secondary profile 60c23e33-38f5-4584-884a-c7d4999e63d0
Celiveo Dual Factor Authentication for Celiveo Badge with Dual Factor Enabled profiles 60c23e33-38f5-4584-884a-c7d4999e63d1
Celiveo Enrolment with the Celiveo “Enroll Me” Permission d4840600-9f9b-434f-b4b1-56e6c78b971f
HP Pin Authentication Agent 41accec0-a865-4dc5-9e1f-25ab790ebec0
HP LDAP Agent 8a3a1a8c-773f-8b17-1dc6-1780745631a2
HP Windows Agent 5470b2ae-29cf-415b-a22d-349b50c9cb13

Control Panel Features GUIDs

Description GUID (Permission ID)
Settings 3dfe6950-5cf9-41c2-a3b2-6154868ab45d
Copy/Print 3c06acc4-f0e9-4248-8933-4aa500cee7b8
Manage Stored Jobs fbd10c44-f550-498a-bfa0-b7e634afa551
Manage Trays d41cc382-c023-46dc-b722-4178a599901a
Enable Print from USB Drive 7b8e9297-1c88-4316-b1c8-ed7a5b8eb4c7
Default Print Options 07799ea1-52ea-4cc8-8dbf-1458dc2f39d1
Print Quality dceabb35-81d0-4c5f-a2f8-4c9c318b043b
PCL and PostScript Settings 7389ff49-20e5-41ff-9b96-5c1df60d7e67
Scan/Digital Send 2565f335-e4ad-4cde-966d-30d9f3f1999f
Email Settings a639160a-7b18-4c02-b4a4-00b9026f00d6
Email Setup 52099d81-6fd5-481f-84ef-588c8ce39a3c
Scan to USB Drive Settings 4d1dc259-0d38-4bfd-b121-b11c22bc67bc
Network Folder Settings 74d83bcd-0cd0-4f89-aca5-39df93cb0b0d
Digital Sending Software (DSS) Setup c980a35a-3e93-4971-b8c6-f76cbfbeedcf
Fax 965dabb4-8d1a-42df-943a-74c368a4c144
Fax Send Settings eca4c819-4f03-458c-9aff-62f4be730e0b
General a062b6d9-8475-4663-8bbf-c9ed15e8d460
Date/Time defd075a-d6a7-498e-9efb-4b9465a8c091
Display Settings cdd8157e-c605-473d-939b-98994607a436
Energy Settings fdc59fb8-3a54-426d-9f5a-2d9087233bb0
Restore Factory Settings b532012c-4017-472a-97d7-625f628bf75b
Enable Device USB 74425807-8557-49ae-820c-ce203f15e96b
Manage Supplies 1a2d31a0-b6c8-4497-a708-707792bd2609
Networking 4fdcd8b2-6e7e-44da-924a-85981a727c1b
Network Protocols 4692a241-8998-4aa8-9d31-1f8ccb43ea14
Reports 34876b06-05be-4044-b61c-40cca9dfe4cb
Configuration/Status Pages 7bb1b399-d731-4f3e-a013-82ce9ea9434f
Supplies Status Page 978af7de-4501-4709-b4e6-ecc056d41917
Usage Page 7e162dc5-a9af-4af2-b3a3-48c2d6e6bb7b
Configuration Page c4fc5dcf-d03f-46e0-8e42-085ec5c3c108
File Directory a12676bb-aa09-44bf-9608-a8d14cde50d7
Fax Reports f22bab25-0bde-4983-9e28-24e536f13981
Blocked Fax List 5d1f0b3f-131e-4901-9807-a17d21ed11ba
Fax Activity Log 8591cb93-584c-43db-af22-eb9a817add9c
Billing Codes Report 84fc50f6-338d-4f5c-baba-e3a90418f364
Last Fax Call Report d13fe446-6403-40c4-8f95-c734978d3dd3
Other Pages 81fbf819-ac36-481d-8736-c66a20a3ce75
App Gallery 4443c06a-0b8a-4442-aad7-ac773c9B9cee
Contacts 900a0d59-533a-497e-8e89-2b5bc898d5cc
Ability to edit a Speed Dial ed979c88-86e4-422a-9842-6da6d53b431b
Ability to manage contacts in a Personal address book 1047e094-c564-4bcc-8a14-370bfddfb796
Ability to manage contacts in shared address books 6d777dcb-f62b-4cec-b536-c39078e14fc5
Copy cedab422-33b3-4638-b6a1-604e54525215
Save defaults for Copy and Scan to Job Storage 57325ed2-49cd-4253-86f4-dc9af7103bda
Load Copy Quick Set 1fc3f42a-f887-461c-a27a-66a73156308a
Save new Quick Set for Copy 6b27ea0c-5311-4ce7-b0a8-aa4d21afe76b
1-sided copy output 7deecd46-5c05-4ce7-9c23-0c6fa1d5fc01
Support Tools 1d370ecf-fb74-44ae-8934-39740a6911ed
Troubleshooting menu a9e3da1b-8173-419f-bd6a-2cc325567c4c
Retrieve Diagnostic Data e4835c1f-7f0e-446b-9fc2-f18ef145698f
Fax 44aa632b-cfa3-4c10-8cab-697a9bef610b
Save defaults for Fax 016d46c6-5a3a-4646-910d-0ede122b949e
Load Fax Quick Set 8b99a8ad-9432-48a1-baca-22b0df6c65e4
Save new Quick Set for Fax c33fdc04-682f-43ab-9f70-fdedfdc1d74b
Ability to edit the billing code 922cd28d-77a8-47a8-85c4-f117f5f69c82
Scan to SharePoint® a3d696df-b7ff-4d3d-9969-5cd7f18c0c92
Ability to edit the SharePoint® path 19363c7c-235e-4c78-8be3-fb4673d59b25
HP Command Center A935C131-CBE6-4d09-9AC2-624C12A9033B
Job Log and Active Jobs 56ce9217-377d-4d5c-a950-a2ad37c07882
Details or Cancel any user’s job 3c40cf32-1d3d-4051-9ba2-0a7b839b0288
Ability to Promote any user’s job 4068badd-7fa0-4c8f-b875-bf7e04dec26e
Ability to view other specific users’ jobs in the Job Log ef4dbcd9-34d5-46e2-af53-1bacda9e2a34
Print from Job Storage 87550e5e-f927-11df-950b-00306e48bff7
Stored Faxes d544b0ba-a3fb-4911-a82b-bf4f891b3308
Delete protected jobs without entering the password or PIN a4dfaedc-7724-48ea-948a-5cd7b11407f0
Ability to view other specific users’ jobs and folders 535ea693-db6d-4beb-b548-f1693460eab3
Scan to Job Storage d6c8dbb4-0cea-4147-b8a7-0cffd9c3ca90
Print from USB Drive 12642a24-5e74-41a2-a154-20d20436abee
Remote Scan Request 573619b2-7527-48b7-9ef7-ea0dcca519b5
My Print Jobs (Celiveo) b629740c-1667-11da-a344-0010837a5f07
Enroll Me (Celiveo) b629740c-1667-11da-a344-0010837a5f08
Email b8460c9e-43c8-4290-a0f8-8ce450867f09
Ability to edit the BCC field for email 1502c3b6-db02-4010-ab27-a9a11f353ff0
Ability to edit the CC field for email eb70fc52-81a7-4261-9978-f31c09ed87dc
Ability to edit the From field for email 5a707440-966b-4598-9c9b-29b08838d9a7
Ability to edit the body of an email 1d073e3c-7bd1-4269-b029-4e26c17c65b8
Ability to edit the Subject field for email e56b78b2-5081-4473-9761-f90c79cca974
Ability to edit the To field for email b35a7519-0680-46cd-834c-3096ab8a8692
Save defaults for Scan to Email d5e988c7-c39c-4e77-b53f-51c6fdea210a
Load Email Quick Set d8a96619-9aba-4249-afac-b2db90d0ca8b
Save new Quick Set for Email 5af2a754-d27c-40a4-a56d-2e7191def383
Scan to Network Folder 65acca51-619d-4e29-b1d0-6414e52f908b
Save defaults for Scan to Network Folder f69557b5-82f6-4269-894c-1b4046a0a92a
Ability to edit the network folder path ee19ffb2-d93c-42ab-a23b-b868a63304a3
Load Scan to Network Folder Quick Set 3ecf76a7-4ebe-4265-8cdf-22f4f359daf9
Save new Quick Set for Scan to Network Folder f753d9a7-c4fc-47c8-abd3-49d901528f29
Scan to USB Drive 09866970-7133-404f-bb20-440b9148e8e2
Save defaults for Scan to USB Drive 00aed7aa-fc3b-4d18-81dd-e46365576f6a
Load Scan to USB Drive Quick Set 1bd63e89-82c9-4360-82c6-1fe9b4241247
Save new Quick Set for Scan to USB Drive 4044fe20-84a3-4314-a708-35626144609b
Supplies a5e59604-d216-4977-a901-4774fcacbcb4
Ability to modify tray size and type settings e402dfff-566a-45c9-a0d3-18350436666e

On the Printer Panel

Once the configuration file has been customized and uploaded to the Web Admin and once the printer has been synchronized, the Custom Access Control configuration is applied and the Security Settings are locked on the printer panel. If the Celiveo Authentication Agent is removed, the settings become available again.

Last modified: 14 June 2024


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